“The Biggest Painting in the World 2012 in Korea” was held at Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea.


“The Biggest Painting in the World 2012 in Korea” was held at Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea.

○ Purpose
To make The Biggest Painting in Korea in the hope of peaceful reunification of South Korea and North Korea and in the hope of World Peace, and to participate in The Biggest Painting in the World 2012.

○ Plan
Participation: 27 organizations, including the main office and the secondary office of the Ministry of Education of Gyeonggi-do, which represents Gyeonggi-do education, and the Ministry of Local Education Support at 25 locations will participate.  28 pieces of paintings (5 m × 5 m each) made of five pieces of clothes (1 m × 5 m each) will be made.  The painting (20 m × 35 m) will be completed by sawing the 28 paintings together, and will be exhibited for two days.The exhibited paintings will be broken into 28 pieces, and will be exhibited at the 27 organizations for three years.

The last piece of the broken paintings will be sent to Japan as “The Biggest Painting in the World 2012 Embassy Version”.

○ Calendar
June 3: Organized ” The Biggest Painting in Korea” TF Team Chairman : Mr. Kim Dongseon June 7: Held Board Meeting with supervisors and fine arts teachers of the Ministry of Local Education Support of the Ministry of Education of Gyeonggi-do (with 125 participants) June 11 to 12: TF Team Preparation Camp for drafting June 18 9:30 am : Drew the paintings at 28 schools (with 4,500 participants) June 27 9:30 am : Completed “The Biggest Painting in Korea” by sawing the paintings together at the indoor football field, where World Cup games were held (with 300 participants) June 27 to 28: Exhibited the Painting.

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