“The Biggest Painting in the World 2020 in Shizuoka City” took place in Lawn Square at the Nihon-Daira Hotel.


Looking out over Mount Fuji on a clear day, “The Biggest Painting in the World 2020 in the City of Shizuoka” took place at the Nihon-Daira Hotel’s Lawn Square. Israeli and Palestinian students who had come to Japan for the “Middle East Peace Project in Shizuoka” also took part, writing their words on the paintings by the children of Shizuoka. We would like to express our deep gratitude to Ms. Akie, the Mayor of Shizuoka, the Superintendent of Education, His Excellency the Minister of the Israeli Embassy in Japan and the Counselor of the Permanent Mission of Palestine, the students of Ando Elementary School. We would also like to thank the students of Asahata Elementary School, Oasada Kita Elementary School, Shimizu Hamada Elementary School, Shimizu Ihara Elementary School and Mr. Makino for presenting the Middle East Peace Project.

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