Went to receive the Biggest Painting in the World 2020 in Sanyo-onoda City completed with the kind cooperation of the Board of Education of the city


Went to receive the Biggest Painting in the World 2020 in Sanyo-onoda City completed with the kind cooperation of the Board of Education of the city. The photo shows one of the pictures by the pupils of Asa elementary school, the theme of which is a Japanese ancient tale called NETARO-SAN, a man who brought new straw shoes to the golden mine of Sado Island and changed them free with the old ones miners used. Then he extracted powder gold from them which he used for developing new rice fields. Our hearty thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Minoru Ishimaru, and Mr. Atsushi Honda, our representative in Yamaguchi Pref. Who accompanied us n this day.

2015-02-27 14.10.16_22015-02-27 14.07.08 世界一大きな絵(山陽小野田市立赤崎小)