privacy policy

NPO Earth Identity Projects strives to properly and safely manage and operate the entrusted personal information as follows.

  1. 1. purpose of use
    Our company will use the collected personal information for the following purposes.
    ・To respond to consultations and inquiries.
  2. 2. Third party provision
    Our company does not provide personal information entrusted to us to third parties. In addition, we may outsource personal information within the scope of the purpose of use determined by our company, but we select outsourcers who strive to safely manage personal information in accordance with our regulations.
  3. 3. Disclosure request
    If there is any complaint or consultation regarding the personal information entrusted to us, or notification of the purpose of use of the entrusted personal information, disclosure, correction, addition or deletion of the content, suspension of use, erasure, and provision to a third party If you would like to request the suspension of your use, please contact us below.

NPO Earth Identity project
Rabiko-to3F, 1-21-14, Higashikamata, Ota-ku, Tokyo,

144-0031, Japan


Adopté : 15 juin 2023